Yesterday was spent down in Newport at the Navy base. Not a bad day. I was surprised to find that the Bridges wanted to try out a seafood place down there, but we couldn't find one that served fried clams. We ended up eating at the Sole Proprietor, which was very nice. I wore a tee shirt. Looked like an idiot. Oh well.
I watched a couple innings of the Worcester Tornadoes game while we were waiting for Joanna at the unit over at Holy Cross. Didn't pay a dime; watched from the top floor of the parking garage next door. Awesome. An older gentleman came by to say hello and admired the view for a minute before he headed down into the stadium. Apparently the previous game was an 18-0 romp by Worcester, and they won 5-1 yesterday. Good stuff. In the 18-0 game (both wins against New Haven), the first baseman Colabello went 4 for 6 with 3 home runs at 10 RBI. That's a hell of a game. With that game alone he is tied for the Can-Am League lead in home runs and is in sole lead of RBI. Wow.
Another round of the Sox-Yankees rivalry starts tomorrow at Fenway. Should be exciting. With today's day off, it allows Schilling to pitch on normal rest, so Tavarez will be spared. Good deal, although Tavarez pitched well last time. I think the Law of Averages enters into this decision. Can't blame Francona. I like it.
We are still not sure when Joanna is shipping out. It could be tomorrow! Even after the hour or so at Holy Cross, and the visit to Newport, no one seems to know. Crazy. She's handling it really well, though.
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