Tuesday, July 27, 2010

College Library Parodies Old Spice Commercials To Coax Students From Dorm Rooms

Care of my friend JR. Go to the library, kids!


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via The Consumerist by Laura Northrup on 7/16/10

I'm a college librarian by training. One of the challenges in the profession right now is convincing students who have grown up with instantaneous access to information from home that a library has something to offer them. Brigham Young University's Harold B. Lee Library reached out to students by producing a video that shows off library resources and looks awfully.... familiar.

Combine viral marketing, a great script, a book cart, and a sandwich: genius. And props to the commercial's star, comedian and BYU student Stephen Jones.

New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar [YouTube]
Harold B. Lee Library [Official Site]


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Thursday, July 22, 2010

7-22-10: Arthur Conan Doyle on Sherlock Holmes

This is a pretty interesting video featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle talking about Sherlock Holmes, as well as about his interest in psychic matters.

What's interesting to me is that Doyle mentions an instructor of his, a doctor, whom he used as a base for Holmes' deductive ability. Any one who watches the show House may know that the writers based House's character on Sherlock Holmes. So, in the end, House, a doctor, is based on Sherlock Holmes, a detective based on a doctor.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7-15-10: Saved Locations in Google Calendar

I use Google Calendar every single day. It helps me plan my life like nothing else. I even add things I just did to my Google Calendar so I can search for them later to remember the last time I went to a certain place or did something (like a haircut). It's something I consider to be an essential tool in planning my life.

The selling point for Google products is interoperability and compatibility. You can share things so easily with different Google products like Documents or Youtube or Gmail. "Plugged in" users can lead very respectable, and organized, lives through Google tools. This very blog is through Google.

One thing I wish Google Calendar had, though, is the ability to add a saved location. I have a lot of events that take place at the same location at pretty regular frequencies. It would be nice if I didn't have to type out the full address every time. It would be much better to have an auto-complete or suggestion capability (e.g. when you begin typing a search into Google it gives you suggestions).

Google Maps already has this feature (in GWT it's called a "Suggest Box"), so why not Google Calendar? Each account has its own set of saved locations already. It's not a make or break thing for me, since I've been using the products for years, but it is well within Google to make this happen.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Watch Every Goal of World Cup 2010 In 10 Minutes: Video


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via EPL Talk by The Gaffer on 7/13/10

If you've got 10 minutes to spare, you can watch this one video which features every single goal scored in the 2010 World Cup in chronological order from Siphiwe Tshabalala for South Africa all the way to Andres Iniesta of Spain.

The music that accompanies the track is an unknown SID tune composed on a Commodore 64 computer. Enjoy.

HT to our UK friends The Spoiler for the vid.

Related posts:

  1. World Cup 2010, Spain-Netherlands Review: World Cup Buzz Podcast
  2. Spain Wins World Cup 2010: In Pictures
  3. 18 Best Goals of World Cup 2010: Video


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Sunday, July 11, 2010

7-11-10: The Miracle of Craigslist

The lady and I are moving in together in a few weeks' time, so I've been scrambling to get rid of my unwanted items. Before my last move about 19 months ago, I decided to use Craigslist, with some pretty promising results. I therefore decided to try it again.

So far, not bad. I'm currently selling my couch, my old 20" tube TV (about 5 years old), a few posters, and a CD player/changer. Thus far I have had people interested in nearly everything, except for the TV.

The "miracle" sale occurred yesterday, when I sold my bass guitar carrying case. Here is the chronological order of the events that led up to the sale (all times Eastern):

2:17PM: Publish the posting on Craigslist with a brief description and a couple pictures. Price: $15.

4:58PM: Receive e-mail from prospective buyer, asking if I still had the case. E-mail indicates that he is very interested, and is leaving for Orange (neighboring town to Derby, where I currently live) in ~30 minutes. He includes his name and a phone number.

5:05PM: I read the e-mail, and immediately call prospective buyer. He is pleased to hear from me. We talk briefly, and I inform him that I am actually planning on leaving for New Haven around the same time he is leaving for Orange. He tells me he is coming from Hamden, and asks if we wanted to meet somewhere to do the exchange. I completely agree, and we decide on a spot: the park and ride on Route 34 at the junction with Route 15. Time: 5:45PM. I told him it was his for $10, as this was turning out to be very convenient.

5:15PM: I leave for the park and ride, first stopping at the bank and then to a CVS to break a $20 bill, as the buyer said he, too, needed to stop by the ATM.

5:50PM: I arrive at park and ride, and wait for buyer to arrive.

5:55PM: Buyer arrives, immediately finds my car. We briefly chat, and complete the exchange. He is very excited to receive the case, as he is one short and recently purchased a new Fender Standard Bass and is also moving. We shake hands, and depart.

Total time, from posting to completion of sale: 3 hours and 40 minutes. Best of all: I didn't have to go out of my way (neither did he). I hope you enjoy the case, Jared.

Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Grill Pizza


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via The Kitchn by Faith Durand on 7/1/10

We have talked about grilled pizza quite a bit, here at The Kitchn, but I realized that we have never done a front-to-back explanation of how to grill pizza at home. Well, we are remedying that today. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on grilling pizza. Honestly, this method is not hard, once you get the hang of it, and it makes some of the best pizza you'll ever eat!

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