Saturday, March 22, 2008

3-22-08: News Summary Slideshow

I downloaded (legally, mind you) the new Nine Inch Nails album Ghosts last week. I think it's pretty good overall, and while doing a search on Google, I found out they're doing an online "film festival" on Youtube. Basically, the idea is to have listeners submit videos they made, and have the background music be from the album. All of the songs are instrumentals, and I guess it's supposed to be a soundtrack. The song titles are pretty bland, just numbers like "18 Ghosts II."

I decided to try my hand at one, but I realized that I'm pretty much only good at making slide-shows. I got this idea this morning while listening to the "Front Page News Summary" from the New York Times. I had one of the songs from the album on in the background, and thought it would neat to try putting some pictures to the stories with the music. Unfortunately, they don't really want any slide-show submissions in the contest. I figured. It didn't really take too long to make. I think it came out OK overall. I won't be quitting the day job, though.

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